Myself (along with a number of far more
Starting at stupid O'clock at Heathrow in the far south-western corner of the Tube Map, and hopefully visiting every station on there (not including the Overground [Orange and white lines] or the DLR stations [Green and white lines]). Mad? Yes. Why do it? Well, it's for charity. And it should be fun. And I want to finish in a slightly quicker time than four months.
So, what can you do? Most importantly you can donate using the Comic Relief page. That's secure, the money goes directly to them and they can claim Gift Aid if you're a UK Tax payer, which basically means that the Inland Revenue add on 28% to your donation. Which is jolly good of them.
Another thing we could do with is helping us along on the day. We'll be taking food and drinks along with us, but backpacks only have a limited capacity and can get a tad heavy. However much I plan, I'll inevitably have eaten all my proper food by Lunchtime, and sweets/cheese will be gone well before that. Meeting up will be difficult (what with communication being a tad difficult when actually underground) and us being on a very tight schedule, but certainly not impossible.
If you think you may be able to give any kind of logistical/moral support then either leave a comment on here or email me (jamesthegill [at] gmail [dot] com) and we can discuss things.
Another thing, if all goes to plan then I'm going to be writing short updates to this blog on the trip, to keep you all up to speed with how we're doing. Most of the network is above ground and I will be using the new shiny sparkly toy called Twitter (as used by Stephen Fry - note: it's different to my personal twitter, if you didn't realise) to text updates to whenever I'm in a decent signal area.
And questions/offers of support can be made in the comments below (if there are enough then I may do a general FAQ post) or email me and I'll get back to you.